What we Believe:

The Scriptures

The Scriptures are true, sufficient and our highest authority.


There is only one living and true God, Creator of heaven and earth, who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


All humanity is sinful both by birth and individual choice.


The penalty for sin is physical and spiritual death.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and both fully God and fully man.

Jesus Died And Rose Again

Jesus Christ died for the payment of the sins of the world. He then physically rose from the dead, conquering death and providing salvation to all who believe.

Those Who Do Not Turn From Sin

Those who do not turn from sin and to Jesus will face eternal punishment.


Only through faith in Jesus and repentance from sin can one be reconciled to God and experience true life and joy.


Baptism is intended for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ. We baptize by immersion because of the actual meaning of the word, but also because it is a picture of the reality to which baptism points – our death and resurrection in Christ.

Following Jesus

We believe followers of Jesus should actually follow Jesus by obedience to the Word of God.

Biblical Position of Marriage

We believe the biblical position of marriage involves the union of one man and one woman.

More Info

For a more detailed explanation of these beliefs, and others, review our constitution.