Warrior – When It’s Time to Throw a Punch (week 1)

Gracepointkitsap   -  

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s take a moment to remember that there are THREE things we want to see happen every time our LifeGroups gather:

– Movement towards Each Other
– Movement towards God
– Movement towards our Community

Our questions follow this same format. All of the questions are designed towards movement. We hope you enjoy your time together in your LifeGroup.
**Remember, our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus and each other. Use the questions that are help and skip the rest.


Are you feeling backed into the corner or bullied by the pressures of life?It’s time to fight back with courage and purpose – for yourself, your family and your future. Let’s start the year with a battle plan for 2023 as we look to the Ultimate Warrior Jesus Christ!

Last Week: Happy New Year

Two Weeks Ago: Happy New Year

Key Verse:

“… But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24.15

Movement Towards Each Other (know the people in your group)
What was your favorite moment of the Christmas Season?

Movement Towards God (grow in your relationship with God)
Are you a “fight” or “flight” person to danger?
What professional sport best resembles being a warrior?
Would you ever want to participate in it?
Do you know any martial arts? Which one?
If you were able to learn one, which would it be and why?
Read Nehemiah 4:14
Describe a warrior.
What does a warrior do?
What does it mean for you to be a warrior?
If you were going to “fight” for something in your life, what would it be?
How does our focus influence our level of fear?
Is it possible to be a passive warrior?
Read Ephesians 6:11-13; Joshua 24:14-15
Do you think sometimes we are too passive with sin? Explain
Where do the schemes of the devil show up in your life?
What does it mean for you to fight against it?
Where do you think it is easiest to let down your guard?
Read Joel 3:9; Deuteronomy 31:6
God has given every warrior someone to protect, a kingdom to advance and a battle to win.
Where has God called you to be a warrior in your life?
How are you preparing for battle every day?
What happens if you don’t fight?
Who else will be impacted if we don’t?

Movement Towards Community (they see the change in you)
Where do you need to be a warrior in your life this week? Memorize Deuteronomy 31:6

Checking In Each Time We Meet: