Where our monthly financial support goes to advance the gospel of Jesus locally, regionally, and around the world.

Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope is a humanitarian, faith-based organization on a mission to feed the hungry and bring help and hope to communities that need it most.


The Timothy Initiative

The TTI is a global movement that makes and multiplies disciples, churches, and leaders. GracePoint church provides monthly support to this work.2007 – Present193,386 Churches Planted144,448 Widows and Orphans Impacted1,798,797 New Disciples *estimate based on historical averages of new believers per church planted1,540 UPGs Impacted *UPG = Unreached People Group


Chaplains - Hospital of Hope Togo

Now known as the “Hospital that Prays”, God is using the Hospital of Hope to reach the unreached in this region all of its patients are exposed to the good news through the care that they receive. Bible study groups have sprung up in numerous, local villages, and many locals are accepting Christ as their Savior.GracePoint Church provide financial support to a team of Multi-lingual chaplains who engage daily with patients and families as well as lead weekly bible studies in and around nearby villages.


House of Hope - India

Through our Missionary Tony Rodriguez, GracePoint has helped provide love, housing, education, and medical care to orphaned boys and girls in India. Tony also leads short-term missions trips to India where the gospel is shared in remote villages in the Andhra Pradesh region in eastern India.


Richard and Julia Rudolph - Germany

The Rudolphs have been serving in Germany since 2013. First, in Saarland, Germany where they planted a church and served until 2021. Then in 2022 the Rudolphs moved to Leipzig, Germany to join another church plant to help create a sending ministry and church planting program in order to train and send out church planters and teams to other eastern German cities. Their desire is to see Leipzig Projekt (church) plant its first church and to see more cities reached with the Gospel.


Caleb and Christina Suko - Ukraine

Caleb and Christina Suko are serving in Odesa, Ukraine. Through their ministry they provide aid to and preach the gospel to thousands of refugees. They also encourage and train church leaders in Biblical evangelism, providing them with much needed tools to reach Ukrainians with the Gospel. Despite the dangers God has opened the doors of opportunity for the Gospel in Ukraine!


Rick and Chelsea Conrad - France

Rick Conrad is serving in Aix-en-Provence in Southern France with his wife Chelsea and six children. He partners with existing French student ministries to equip Christian students with apologetic answers to challenges to their faith and to challenge non-Christian students with good reasons to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Vasiliy and Olga Kaletnik - Moldova

Vasiliy Kaletnik grew up in the former Soviet Republic of Moldova.  He married Olga from Ukraine.
They have four children. Vasiliy became a Christian
as a youth and has ministered the Gospel through evangelism and discipleship ministries in Moldova through the Baptist Church.
The early parts of his ministry were during difficult times as the church came through the persecution of the Soviet era.The Kaletniks had the opportunity to come to the US in the 90’s to be with family and tend to health issues.   Since then they have returned to Moldova to minister
in the area of the city of Falesti. Here Vasiliy leads
a church of about 100 believers. From here he organizes youth ministries and also preaches and establishes churches in many small villages where the Gospel has not been preached before.

Andy & Kathleen Clark

The Clarks serve with Greater Europe Mission, based in the southern German town of Kandern, where they are a part of a team that coordinates and leads short term teams coming to Europe and partnering with churches and ministries to see the Gospel spread throughout the continent. It’s their joy to serve the church and be a light for Christ both broadly throughout Europe and also locally amidst the German community and neighbourhood in which God has placed them.


Children of The Nations

Children of the Nations is dedicated to raising children out of extreme poverty to become a generation of young leaders. No child should grow up without food, clean water, education, medical care, and the chance to learn about God’s love for them. When a child receives the care and education they need, we see that they can have a lasting impact on their communities and their nations.