January 26 • PIRATES – Stealing From God (week 4)
Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!
Before we jump into our study, let’s remember three goals of every LifeGroup gathering:
– Grow with Each Other (know each other better)
– Grow Closer to God (know God better)
– Grow Deeper in Life (live by faith better)
All of the questions are designed to lead us in spiritual and relational growth. The goal is to deepen our relationships with God and one another, and learn to live by faith better in the process.
CURRENT SERIES: Pirates – Where yer treasure be, there be yer heart
THIS WEEK: Stealing from God
Key Passages: Haggai 1:5-9a; Malachi 3:6-9; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 10-11; Proverbs 22:7
Grow with Each Other
- Describe a time you became stagnant in your relationship with God.
- Describe a time you forgot to honor God or surrender a situation or season to the Lord.
- Describe a time you fully surrendered to the Lord in a season or circumstance.
Grow Closer to God
- READ Read Haggai 1:5-9a
- What is an area of your life that you are not giving careful thought to your ways?
- In what area of your life are you failing to surrender to God?
- What does this passage teach you about failing to focus on and honor God first?
- READ Malachi 3:6-9
- What does this teach you about your tithes and offerings?
- If you are tithing consistently, how has this impacted your faith and relationship with God? If you are not tithing consistently, what does this reveal about your faith and relationship with God?
- If what we give doesn’t impress or depress God, why are our tithes and offerings so important to Him?
- READ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 10-11; Proverbs 22:7
- What is God’s desire for our hearts about giving? Why is this important?
- What do your tithes reveal about your priorities? What might God be teaching you in this?
- What does this teach you about God’s design for how we steward His provisions?
Grow Deeper in Life
- How might God be calling you to reorder your finances? Will you take the Pirate Challenge? (Reorder your finances for the next 3 months) How can our group encourage you in this challenge?
- If you are a faithful and cheerful giver, what encouragement and advice do you have for those struggling in this area?
- How can we all, no matter where we are in our hearts and habits of giving, give more careful thought to what we give?
Checking In Each Time We Meet:
SPIRITUAL GOAL – What is one spiritual goal you have
NAME OF PLUS ONE – Who is someone you are praying for and inviting to church?
PRAYER REQUESTS – How can we be praying for you?