Divine Questions – Who Will Go? (week 3)

Gracepointkitsap   -  

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s take a moment to remember that there are THREE things we want to see happen every time our LifeGroups gather:

– Movement towards Each Other
– Movement towards God
– Movement towards our Community

Our questions follow this same format. All of the questions are designed towards movement. We hope you enjoy your time together in your LifeGroup.
**Remember, our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus and each other. Use the questions that are help and skip the rest.

CURRENT SERIES: Divine Questions

The questions God asks are questions where He already knows the answers.
These divine questions reveal the heart and nature of not only God, but of us as well.

Last Week: How are you doing in your walk with God? Have you lost sight of who He is? How can  you adjust your compass back to Him?

Two Weeks Ago: Where are you trying to hide from God? What would it look like if you stopped?

Key Verse:

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”Isaiah 6:8

Movement Towards Each Other (know the people in your group)
What was your favorite neighborhood game to play when you were a kid?

Movement Towards God (grow in your relationship with God)
When you played hide and seek, were you better at hiding or seeking?
What did you look for as an ideal hiding place?
How did you and your friends pick who would be “it”?
Why do we liked to be picked for somethings and not for others?
What is something where you would like to be picked first? Last?
Read Isaiah 6:8
What is the difference between a call and a calling?
What was God asking Isaiah to do?
Why was he so eager to jump in and do it?
What is something that you are passionate about where you would go right now and start doing it?
Read Mark 16:15
How do you view the Gospel?
How does it change lives?
How has it changed yours?
Who was the person that told you about the Gospel?
Do you think they were scared to tell you? Why?
If the Gospel is so important, why does Jesus have to tell people to go share it?
What is the scariest part of sharing the Gospel?
How would you describe your favorite place to eat to someone you just met?
How is that different than sharing the Gospel?
When you share about your favorite restaurant, can someone argue with you about how you feel about that restaurant? Why?
When you tell someone how Jesus changed your life, can they argue with that? Why?
How does that take some of the fear out of sharing the Gospel?
Read 1 John 5:14-15
Is sharing the Gospel God’s will? What would happen if we prayed for an opportunity to share?
Who is someone God has placed in your life that doesn’t know Jesus?
What would it look like to pray for an opportunity to share with them?

Movement Towards Community (they see the change in you)
Spend time this week reading Isaiah 6:8 & Mark 16:15. Ask God for an opportunity to share the Gospel.

Checking In Each Time We Meet: