Gracepointkitsap   -  

Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s remember three goals of every LifeGroup gathering:

– Grow with Each Other (know each other better)
– Grow Closer to God (know God better)
– Grow Deeper in Life (live by faith better)

All of the questions are designed to lead us in spiritual and relational growth. The goal is to deepen our relationships with God and one another, and learn to live by faith better in the process.


CURRENT SERIES: Identity Amnesiac




Key Passages: Psalm 139:1-6


Grow with Each Other

  • What are some of the things you are known for?
  • How does your identity as a child of God impact how others see you?
  • What causes you to doubt your identity as a child of God?


Grow Closer to God

  • READ Numbers 13:33; 1 Samuel 17:24; John 1:12
  • How have others impacted how you see yourself or what you are known for?
  • How has fear of man caused you to forget your identity in Jesus?
  • Describe a time you made choices because of the way others thought of you. How did this impact your relationship with God?
  • READ Colossians 1:16; Psalm 139:1-4
  • What does God knowing you intimately teach you about who He is and who you are to Him?
  • Why is it so important to remember how deeply God knows you?
  • What does God understanding you teach you about Him and your relationship with Him?
  • READ Psalm 139:5-6
  • How does it encourage you to know God hems you in?
  • What does God knowing your past, present and future teach you about your faith in Him?
  • What does knowing who you are to God teach you about how you see yourself?


Grow Deeper in Life

  • What identities do you need to let go of to focus better on your identity in Jesus?
  • What makes it difficult for you to rest in your identity as a child of God? How can we encourage you?
  • What can you do to refocus and be led by your true identity? How can we help you with this?


Checking In Each Time We Meet:
SPIRITUAL GOAL – What is one spiritual goal you have
NAME OF PLUS ONE – Who is someone you are praying for and inviting to church?
PRAYER REQUESTS – How can we be praying for you?