Stupid Should Hurt – Ignoring Guardrails (Part 3)

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Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s take a moment to remember that there are THREE things we want to see happen every time our LifeGroups gather:

– Movement towards Each Other
– Movement towards God
– Movement towards our Community

Our questions follow this same format. All of the questions are designed towards movement. We hope you enjoy your time together in your LifeGroup.
**Remember, our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus and each other. Use the questions that are help and skip the rest.

CURRENT SERIES: Stupid Should Hurt – Lessons from the Book of Proverbs

Have you ever thought to yourself or even said out loud, “What in the world were they thinking?” Sadly, many people play Russian Roulette with their choices all the while hoping the timeless principle of “sowing and reaping” won’t apply to them.

Last Week: How can you apply what we learned about money this week?

Two Weeks Ago: Are you willing to make the change you just said would be beneficial to you? How can we help you stick to it?

Key Verse:

 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,” Ephesians 5:15

Movement Towards Each Other
 (know the people in your group)
What is the scariest road you have ever traveled in a car?

Movement Towards God (grow in your relationship with God)
When is the last time you drove through a stop sign without stopping?
What were the circumstances surrounding your decision?
How confident are you at a 4 way stop that everyone will abide by the law?
Are there any current traffic laws that you think are unnecessary? Explain
If you could change a current traffic law, what would it be?
Read Proverbs 2:1-6
What is the worst piece of advice you’ve ever heard?
Who is the smartest person you know?
Who do you go to for advice the most? Why?
If God has wisdom to give us, why do we need to ask for it?
Read Proverbs 2:7-8
What is the benefit of God’s Wisdom?
How is God’s Wisdom a shield for those who apply it?
Read Proverbs 2:9-11
What happens when we embrace God’s Wisdom?
How do we allow it to come into our hearts?
How are they guardrails for our lives?
Read Proverbs 4:23
What does it mean to “guard your heart”? (see Luke 6:45)
How do you protect it?
Read Proverbs 5:15-20
Why does God put guardrails around sex?
Isn’t sex good?
Who is God trying to protect?
Read Proverbs 13:20
What is the Wisdom guardrail in this passage?
Who are the wise people in your life?
Why are they important?
Why are guardrails on the road?
Have you ever wanted to crash through one to see what would happen? Why?
Why do we apply that same logic to God’s Wisdom when we are about to make a bad decision?
How can we change that?

Movement Towards Community (they see the change in you)
Where could you use some Wisdom guardrails in your life? Will you embrace God’s Wisdom this week?

Checking In Each Time We Meet: