June 2 • JUICY – Love (week 1)

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Welcome Back!

Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s take a moment to remember that there are THREE things we want to see happen every time our LifeGroups gather:

– Movement towards Each Other
– Movement towards God
– Movement towards our Community

Our questions follow this same format. All of the questions are designed towards movement. We hope you enjoy your time together in your LifeGroup.
**Remember, our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus and each other. Use the questions that are helpful and skip the rest.

CURRENT SERIES: Juicy – What Comes Out When Life Squeezes You


We all get squeezed by life, whether it’s an irritating driver, co-worker, neighbor, or anyone else who gets on our nerves. We all face frustrating life events such as car problems, unexpected bills, unmet expectations, or an end of a relationship. When we get squeezed by life, something WILL come out of us. It will either sweet or it will be sour. What comes out depends on how close we are walking with the Spirit.


Key Verse:

22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness,  23  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 NIV


Movement Towards Each Other (know the people in your group)

  • What are some situations in life that squeeze you?
  • How do you normally respond when you feel squeezed by life?
  • What are some areas of your life that you don’t feel as squeezed as you once did?

Movement Towards God (grow in your relationship with God)

  • READ Galatians 5:16-25
  • What Fruits of the Spirit do you have an easier time with?
  • What Fruits of the Spirit do you struggle the most with? Explain.
  • What Works of the Flesh do you struggle with the most?
  • READ Luke 8:4-15
  • How do you bear Fruit of the Spirit versus Works of the Flesh?
  • What is the difference between “loving” and “liking”? Explain.
  • Describe situations where love is a difficult choice, and an easier choice.
  • Describe a time choosing to love in a difficult circumstance brought you closer to God.
  • What does knowing love is a choice teach you about God?
  • READ 1 John 3:16-18
  • How can we show love more with what we do than what we say?
  • Compare a time you failed to have pity on someone in need versus a time you had pity on
    someone in need. What do these situations teach you about God’s love?
  • READ 1 John 4:9-12
  • When has someone loved you when you knew you did not deserve it?
  • How do you choose to love others in your day-to-day life?
  • Who is squeezing you? How are you choosing to respond to them?
  • How does keeping in step with the Spirit help you to love better?
  • How does it encourage you that no one is truly deserving of love?

Movement Towards Community (they see the change in you)

  • How can you choose to love better this week?
  • What works of the flesh are making it more difficult to choose love over selfishness?
  • How can loving more like God make an impact in our community, church, LifeGroup?
  • What would it look like for you to show righteous pity on those in need in our community? What impact do you think that would have?


Checking In Each Time We Meet: