May 19 • THE HOLY SPIRIT – Honor the Holy Spirit – Part A (week 3)

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Welcome Back!

Welcome to a New LifeGroup Session!

Before we jump into our study, let’s take a moment to remember that there are THREE things we want to see happen every time our LifeGroups gather:

– Movement towards Each Other
– Movement towards God
– Movement towards our Community

Our questions follow this same format. All of the questions are designed towards movement. We hope you enjoy your time together in your LifeGroup.
**Remember, our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus and each other. Use the questions that are helpful and skip the rest.



The Trinity is the most difficult biblical doctrine for the human brain to understand: There are 3 distinct aspects of singular Godhead. We can understand God the Father and we can identify with God the Son because we can read stories about Jesus. However, God the Spirit is a mystery to most people. This series will help you understand this amazing Helper that Jesus left for His followers.


Key Verse: “And when he (Holy Spirit) comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.” John 16:8-9 NLT


Movement Towards Each Other (know the people in your group)

  • What title or description for the Holy Spirit is your favorite? Explain.
  • How have you seen the Holy Spirit show up in your life this week?
  • What are some ways you honor the Holy Spirit in your daily life?

Movement Towards God (grow in your relationship with God)

  • READ Matthew 12:22-32
  • How has your understanding of the unpardonable sin changed?
  • How does understanding what the unpardonable sin is encourage you in faith?
  • How has recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit helped you to grow in your faith?
  • READ Matthew 13:10-13
  • What is an example of something you understand better as you grow closer to God?
  •  How has the Holy Spirit helped you hear, understand and believe spiritual things?
  • What is something you struggle to understand that you need the Holy Spirit’s help with
  • READ John 16:8-9; Ephesians 4:29-31
  • What is the difference between blaspheming the Holy Spirit and grieving the Holy Spirit
  • How are believers called to honor the Spirit after salvation?
  • What are some things we can do to change from grieving to glorifying the Holy Spirit?
  • READ 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
  • How does quenching differ from grieving and blaspheming the Spirit?
  • How can we kindle rather than quench the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  • In what ways can we kindle the Holy Spirit in others?

Movement Towards Community (they see the change in you)

  • What are some ways you can be honoring the Spirit better this week?
  • What are some areas the Holy Spirit has been convicting you? How can our group support you in this area?
  • How can these changes not only bless you, but encourage those around you?

Checking In Each Time We Meet: